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social media
Have you ever wondered about Instagram Stories and what it might be able to do for your business? Have you considered it but weren’t sure where to start? Introducing yet another social media channel for your business might feel a little intimidating at first. But consider this – Insta Stories are quick to do, easy...
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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stood before the US congress to answer questions about data misuse and how or if Facebook protects its users’ personal information. In his three-hour testimony he pointed to the fact that his social network does have issues and fundamental changes are needed to win back people’s trust. Zuckerberg admitted that he...
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After the people behind Twitter played around with the number of characters allowed for each tweet in September, they have now extended the number of characters from 140 to 280. So now it is easier and faster for everyone to express what they want to say in one go. Now nearly all languages have more...
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Creativity may come easy to some people and if they are lucky enough, they could cash it in and make a living out of it. For others, it may need to be poked and pulled a bit before it can be of use to anyone else other than the person behind the creative process. Whatever...
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Social media has been the source of people publicly admitting that they have got the wrong side of the stick lately. It has even been the very reason why others have been taken to court. The famous writer J.K. Rowling hasn’t been what you would call quiet about how she feels about the latest American...
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Scientists conduct tests, put in years of research all to prove a theory. Mathematicians and physicists keep track of their results, find their errors, correct them and so on until everything falls in place and the numbers works out. Why should the way that social media strategists work be any different? They put in just...
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It used to be that customers would take a stroll to their local shops to ask a question. They had much more time back then and everything was just around the corner. Then they used the telephone to get their queries answered before venturing out to spend their hard-earned cash. Now, with the world seemingly...
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The world of social media maybe in its infancy if we consider our own existence on this Earth or even the age of the Earth itself. But social media time doesn’t work like normal time, it catches up with new trends, is given a nice and shiny upgrade frequently and shoots out more new functions...
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People have always told stories. Take Homer, for example, he is considered to be the first and greatest epic poet. He was blind and couldn’t write his stories down, and yet his tales of great wars and tragedies have survived throughout the ages. This is because the Iliad and the Odyssey were told in the...
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They say that different platforms have different purposes, and by ‘they’ we mean almost anyone who has a profile on at least more than two of these platforms. So, if you want to share photographs of your holidays you will use Instagram, if you want to ask your friends a question you will likely use...
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